Sunday, November 3, 2024

To Late. Soon their will be two tied up brothers


Welcoming the Marine home on leave.


Kidnapped Cowboys


Nobody will hear the kidnapped cousins screams



"Come on in dude.
Look what we did to your roomate!
Ok Jackass put your arms behind your back!"


Pole Hognecked


Tying his wrists behind his back, they shoved a sturdy wooden pole between his biceps and back and tightly roped each of his upper arms to it. Pushing his bound wrists high up his back they looped them in the center of the pole, pulled his head back and tied them to his neck.

Dropping him prone on the floor in front of his buddy, the took off his boots and socks, bound his ankles crossed, and hogtied them to his neck.

Now close to choking he knew he had to lay their perfectly still or he could choke.  They gaggged him and he looked defiantly at his buddy....

Until they began to tickle his feet.

It's Going to be a Long Night